Jesus college, Cambridge
Sculpture in the Close - Curators Rod Mengham and Juliet Mitchell

26.06.2017 › 17.09.2017
With Louise Bourgeois, Phyllida Barlow, Mona Hatoum, Rachel Witheread, Agnès Thurnauer, Cornélia Parker, Shirazeh Houshiary and Alison Wilding.
Twenty artworks by nine featured artists will form a trail through the college grounds, set against the backdrop of its listed buildings – some of which date back to the 12th century.
Sculptors taking part include Rachel Whiteread, the first woman to win the Turner Prize, Cornelia Parker, official House of Commons Election Artist for the 2017 UK general election, and Louise Bourgeois, world-famous for her large-scale installations, is also featured.
Rod Mengham, curator of the show, said other installations come from Phyllida Barlow, who represented Great Britain at the 2017 Venice Biennale, and worldwide-known Kim Lim and Turner Prize nominees Mona Hatoum, Shirazeh Houshiary and Alison Wilding.
The exhibition also marks the return to Jesus College of work from Agnes Thurnauer, whose You triptych was displayed over two months in 2015, the first time that Thurnauer's work was shown in the UK.